Applications for Intercom Systems, Wireless Intercoms, and Two-Way Radios

Reduce Employee Cell Phone Usage With Two-Way Radios

When economic conditions get tight and businesses look for ways to cut back on costs, everything gets looked at for opportunities.

One expense cutting measure is to use two-way radios for business campus usage instead of cell phones. The per minute charges on cell phones can add up quickly on long conversations between two people who aren’t even that far apart.

Two-way radios have some other advantages too such as no waiting for connect times, broadcasting messages to groups, reachability in natural disasters even when the cell phone network is jammed,  mil-spec durability, and the emergency call (man down) feature.

Go to the following address for the free book called Two-Way Radio Success: How to Choose Two-Way Radios,Commercial Intercoms, and Other Wireless Communication Devices For Your Business.

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