Parking lots are money makers to be sure, but it is imperative to provide good customer service to keep people coming back, which increases your profits from parking revenue. One way to provide better customer service in lots where an attendant may be available within a mile or two, is to provide a method of communication the customer can use if he or she is having trouble.
Installing wireless call boxes in areas where customers may need assistance enables them to call a parking attendant when they need help. If they are having trouble with a pay station
or automatic parking attendant, having a call box next to the station ensures that they can reach someone if it isn’t working properly.
You could also use these callboxes to provide emergency services to your customers in the event they can’t start their car or there is someone suspicious lurking around the parking lot.
By providing extra services to your parking lot customers through a parking lot intercom system, you’ll ensure that they come back to your parking lot. That leads to increased parking lot revenue!
These wireless callboxes are available at www.IntercomsOnline.com.