Normally a public address system provides one way communication only. People who hear a page cannot respond back to the person making the page unless they call using a telephone system. With a long-range wireless PA system there is a way for people to respond back without having to run wires everywhere.

With the MURS wireless radios there are five unlicensed channels available that can be used to communicate. When we set up a wireless PA system, the one-way communication to the wireless PA system is done using either a handheld two-way radio or desktop base-station intercom on Channel 2. So a person makes a page by keeping their unit on Channel 2 and pressing the talk button.
If someone wants to respond back, they will need another MURS radio or intercom set on another channel like Channel 1. If they were to use Channel 2 to respond, then they would be broadcasting over the wireless PA system.
The one problem with this setup is that if someone in an office for instance makes a page on Channel 2, and someone responds to a page on Channel 1, the person in the office isn’t going to hear the response since they are still on Channel 2 (the paging channel).

The solution is to have a handheld or base station radio that scans multiple channels. When someone calls back on Channel 1, the person in the office simply presses the Talk button to respond and their radio automatically locks in on Channel 1s o they can then respond back without having to change channels. Two radios that do this are the MURS Commercial Wireless Intercom or the MURS Commercial Handheld Two-Way Radio . These base station or handheld intercoms will scan all 5 MURS channels so someone making a page never has to change from the paging channel and can still hear replies.
If people near the wireless PA unit who respond to pages from the office don’t need to make pages themselves, they can use the less expensive MURS-Multi-Mile Intercoms set to Channel 1 and just hit the talk button to respond back to pages.
These intercoms and long-range wireless pa systems are available at: Wireless PA System