Many retail stores and businesses cannot afford to have a full-time person manning the front door to greet customers. Business owners and employees could be roaming the building or buildings, or even the grounds around the building where customers arrive. Such is the case with landscape nursery operators, funeral home operators, used car lots, or hundreds of other types of businesses.

What they need is a way to monitor the front door from a remote location. They need the ability to be mobile and still know someone has arrived. That’s where a wireless alert system comes into play.
A wireless alert system consists of a battery-powered, wireless motion detector installed by the front door, and fixed base station intercoms. mobile handheld intercoms, or both to receive notice that someone has arrived at the front door. When a customer arrives, the motion detector will send a verbal “Alert zone 1” message to let monitoring personnel know someone has arrived at the front door.
If you have multiple entry doors, you can set up four motion detectors and each door will have it’s own alert message so you’ll know which door the customer came in.
Not only can you use this system to monitor the front door, but it can be used for communication between employees. The handheld radios and base station intercoms can be used to talk between units.
This system has a range of up to four miles so you should be able to cover your entire business with communications and alert messages.
The system also works as a security system at night so if you or someone is within range of the motion detectors, they will get the message.
The system is not only cost effective, but can be easily installed in a matter of minutes.