Child care centers have to meet state care regulations, which of course can be quite stringent. One of the requirements is often to have some form of communication system out on the playground. An outdoor wireless intercom can meet this requirement.

We had a childcare center in New Mexico meet this requirement with our MURS wireless intercom system. They placed our MURS Outdoor Callbox Wireless Intercom on the playground. Then inside they place a combination of MURS Commercial Intercoms and MURS Multi-Mile Intercoms.
They could have also added a portable handheld two-way radio to the system so the office manager could always be in contact with someone on the playground.
If you need room-to-room calling instead of a playground intercom we recommend an intercom phone instead. These phones allow calling any room, plus you can do things like page all phones or have group conference calls. They can even do external dialing.
All these units are available at or by calling 888-298-9489.