If you own a campground, you know you can’t always be at the office to greet arriving guests. You may not have the staff needed to handle everything that needs to be done so you find yourself handling tasks all over the campground while your guests are waiting for someone to check them in.

The solution to this problem is to have a way for visitors to press a button to contact you no matter where you are on the property. There are a couple of ways to do this. If you have good cell phone coverage over your property and a phone line in your office, then you could install a Door Intercom Controller with Call Forwarding that that enables your guests to press a button on a door intercom, and it dials your cell phone. You could even press a button on your cell phone to unlock the office door to let them in.
If you don’t have good cell phone coverage and are willing to carry a two-way radio, guests can push a button on a wireless call box like the MURS Basic Commercial Callbox which will send a call tone after which you can hear them talk. You can respond back to them to let them know you are on your way. If you need to unlock the office or gate so they can get in, then the MURS Callbox XT Outdoor Intercom with Gate Relay would enable you to do that when used with the right radio. These devices can work at distances of up to a mile or more using external antennas mounted up higher.
With either of these two devices, your campground guest intercom system will provide excellent customer service to your guests.