A busy daycare needs communication and that’s where a daycare intercom system comes in handy. Security is extremely important so most daycare centers keep their front doors locked. They may have an entry system that allows parents to enter a code to get in, but inevitably someone has problems and can’t get in. Having a door intercom so they can call management solves that problem.
You can get wired or wireless systems that fit this need. The wired system works will if someone is always in the office to receive a call. The wireless system gives management mobility so they can roam the building and still have contact with the front door.
In addition to the front door application, you can place intercoms on the playground so staff can make emergency calls to management as well. You can also place horn speakers around the building to make emergency announcements.
The product experts at IntercomsOnline.com can help you choose an intercom for your daycare.