If you have a house on a lake with a boat dock, then you know there are times when communication is needed between people on the boat dock and people in the house. Installing an outdoor wireless intercom system solves this problem. The first factor to consider when choosing the right wireless intercom for you is the distance between the house and the dock. If it’s only a few hundred feet, the UWS WireFree 900MHz Outdoor Wireless Intercom may be all you need. These intercoms have a range of up to 1000 feet and provide simple voice communication. They are not commercial duty so for the longest life it would be best to shelter the outdoor intercom if you can.
If you need a longer range intercom and one that is more durable, then the MURS Basic Commercial Callbox with one of the MURS handheld or base station intercoms can be used. The range with these devices is measured in miles and not feet so you can even use them to communicate with people in a boat, out on the lake. So not only can they be used to talk to someone in the house, but someone out on a boat. The MURS Basic Commercial Callbox is also built to withstand more severe weather conditions.
A boat dock intercom system lets you stop yelling from the house or using up minutes on your cell phone plan, but still have instant communication without dialing a phone.