In apartment or condo buildings, getting messages out quickly in the event of an emergency can save lives. When management learns of an emergency, going door to door to notify tenants of the event is usually not possible or could not be done quickly enough.

The quickest solution is to place a base station intercom in management’s office and Wireless PA speakers throughout the complex. These wireless speakers can receive calls not only from an intercom located in the office, but also from employees with mobile radios who can give on-the-spot emergency updates. The wireless PA units can be placed in hallways, inside common areas, by swimming pools, or anywhere tenants could hear your message.
There is no limit to the number of units that can be used together and there is no FCC license required. Installation can be done quickly in as little as a few hours, and the units can receive messages from long distances.
These Wireless PA units can even automatically broadcast NOAA weather announcements so tenants and management will be aware of approaching dangerous weather events.
Installing a wireless PA system as an Emergency Warning System provides a higher level of safety for tenants of condo or apartment units that most developments do not have so you’ll have a competitive advantage, plus it could prevent a future lawsuit.
These units are available at .